? ??????????????Dark Pink Skull? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.6 (183 Ratings)??7 Grabs Today. 38150 Total Grabs.
??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????A Purple Night? ????? ?? ???Rating: 3.8 (103 Ratings)??7 Grabs Today. 11316 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???????????? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Sunday, 12 December 2010

The Student Protest


' At RT we are set to step beyond the boundaries of bare facts and bring you the human side to every story. Broadcasting in English 24/7 in over 100 countries spread over five continents, RT is here to show you how any story can be another story altogether.

Our correspondents in New York and Washington, London and Paris, Delhi and Tel Aviv focus on international headlines whilst giving an innovative angle set to challenge viewers worldwide. '

review: A news report just focusing on the negative side of the protest, with the violent representation of students. Narration over images of broken windows and angry shouting students. It presents the police in a sympathetic light, with reports on injury and images of the number of students compared to the police. Damage to Millbank building and evacuation of poeple is stated and shown; along this, comments like 'nastyness' creates confusion to whether or not the students are in the right to protest. We are told it's not just students protesting, there are lecturers and also representatives of trade unions. The clip leaves those against the rise in tution fees without hope because the message of the peaceful protesters is being undermined by the violence who are speculated to not be students. That in itself questions the students and how important education is to them?

'Protesters mount their last stand as fees vote nears' http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-11959950

review: shocking action by the police, charging horses into the crowd


review: This article outrages viewers and encourages them to defend the police as the acts of students are seen to be immoral; attacking Prince Charles and Camilla car. David Cameron (left) condemned the violence and said those involved would "face the full force of the law" his words don't seem so harsh because we witnessed the groups 'thug' behaviour.

review: A video of the student protest held in London on the 24th of November. Trying to capture a 'fair' impression of the student protest; people standing up for their rights, fighting the cuts, the vandalized police van, people dancing and cheering, protesting peacefully, holding speeches, and last, but definitely not least, the police using the 'kettling' tactic to control the crowd.

review: The police look weak or subordinate to the protesters. Representation of the students are stereotyped with images of the hooded up males.

Friday, 3 December 2010

Day 9

I've bookmarked several pages to investigate the difference in result available for The Olympics, compared to The Paralympics. There's also research on both ignoration and celebration of disability in the media. I looked at forums to get an insight to how people with disability feel about their representation and most seem to be complaining; arguing they are the same.

Wednesday, 1 December 2010




Olympic games 2012: http://www.london2012.com/

Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Day 3


Inside Im Dancing

Nick Vujicic:

Nick Vujicic - never give up:

E. media:

The UKs favourite magazine - http://ablemagazine.co.uk/

Sunday, 28 November 2010


BBC One: Love Me, Love My Face: http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b00w4gkv/Love_Me_Love_My_Face/ http://www.bbc.co.uk/i/w4gkv/

The Ringer Movie :

Channel 5 extraodinary people series: http://www.five.tv/shows/extraordinary-people

Jono Lancaster born with genetic condition (TCS): http://thismorning.itv.com/thismorning/life/love-me-love-my-face

E. media:
Increasing and improving portrayal of people
with disabilities in the media: http://www.mediaanddisability.org/presentacion.htm

Jono Lancaster facebook: http://www.facebook.com/people/Jono-Lancaster/1317832465


Case Study: Day 1

Represenation of disablity in the media

Platforms: Broadcast, Emedia, Print

Text types: Newspaper, Magazine (Real Life stories) film (The Ringer) Documentary (channel 5 - Extraordinary People series and BBC One Love Me, Love My Face)

Wider context:

  • Human Rights
  • Social Understanding
  • Exclusion

Time frames: Contempary, in the past 5 years.

Theoretical findings:

  • Marxism
  • Postmodernism
Media issues:

  • Human Rights
  • Equality
  • Popular culture; is it because we dont want to see?
  • Token character?
  • Do we always feel sorry for them?

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

4321 GO! (promotion and marketing research)

click to visit
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click to visit
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Official Youtube page
Official website:
Interview with Tamsin Egerton:

4girls 3days 2cities 1chance Trailer:

Theme tune of 4 3 2 1



ASHLEY 'BASHY' THOMAS - British Rapper

BEN DREW- British Musician

PLAN B - Rapper/singer, actor and film director

BEN SHEPARD - English Television Presenter on GMTV

EVE - Singer/Songwriter, actress

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

assumes that the human mind always and everywhere works in the same ways. For Levi-Strauss, the leading idea is that the human mind operates in terms of binary oppositions and that such oppositions structure all the phenomena of human culture.

All represenattions therefore have ideologies behind them.Certain paradigms are encoded into texts and others are elft out in order to give a preffered representation.

His books include The Raw and the Cooked, The Savage Mind, Structural Anthropology and Totemism (Encyclopedia of World Biography).

"The world began without the human race and will certainly end without it,” he said in his 1955 autobiographical book- Tristes Tropiques.

Article in The Telegraph:


Joseph Campbell proposed the idea that myths from all over the world seem to be built from the same "elementary ideas."


“Glamour cannot exist without personal social envy being a common and widespread emotion.”
“Men act and women appear. Men look at women. Women watch themselves being looked at.”

notes on 'The Gaze' from 'Ways Of Seeing' (a book by John Berger) on the web:



Sunday, 7 November 2010

"Postmodernism tries to come to terms with and understand a media-saturated society. The mass media, for example, were once thought of as holding up a mirror to, and thereby reflecting, a wider social reality. Now that reality is only definable in terms of surface reflection of the mirror" (1992)

It is hard to distinguish between reality and media, the mirror was once our reality but now the mirror makes our reality.

"Media images encourage superficiality rather than substance, cynicism rather than belief, the thirst for constant change rather than security of stable traditions, the desires of the moment rather than the truths of history" (1992)

Media simulates reality? We do what we see, postmodernism is a collection of new thoughts.

"Postmodernism is sceptical of any absolute, universal and all-embracing claim to knowledge and argues that theories or doctrines which make such claims are increasingly open to criticism, contestation and doubt" (1992)

Challenge everything.

Counter argument:

Gramsci suggested that there is a dialectic between the process of production and the activities of consumption.
'that the dominant culture produces and limits its own forms of counter-culture.'

What is postmodernism?

Lyotard opened the discussion for postmodernism in social theory with his groundbreaking publication ‘La Condition Postmoderne’ (The Condition Postmodern). His works stress the decline of meta-narratives or grand-narratives. Meta-Narratives are sets of ideas governing what is right and wrong. For example, religion defines how to live a good life. By doing so, people who do not appeal to the characteristics of good man as defined by religion will be considered unfaithful, as bad people. Lyotard argues that this way of legitimating declines in a postmodern society. What is considered good can no longer be clearly separated from what is considered bad.

In a postmodern society, where more information and knowledge are easily accessed by society, a new form of evolution emerged. Meta-narratives suggested society to be homogenized (to blend). It means that all members of society should appeal to values, beliefs and norms as governed by meta-narratives if they wanted to be considered a good member of society. But, a postmodern society is characterized differently. Heterogeneity (Cultural, social, biological, or other differences within a group.) is more emphasized because people see things differently. They no longer see things from one point of view; instead they now see things within multiple points of view. Thus, a postmodern society is marked with the blurred concept of right and wrong. To see thing from only one side is so naïve. A postmodern society will recognize the plurality over homogeneity (similarities within a group).

The postmodern condition: A report on Knowledge:


Another French philosopher, and may be called as the most important posmodernist thinker is Jean Baudrillard. Inspired by Roland Barthes, Baudrillard develops an enhanced theory of signs.

Signs as argued by Barthes serve as the medium in which myth is preserved. Signs then function as the source of legitimation. It is in align with Lyotard’s idea that suggests meta-narratives loose their function as the source of legitimation. Postmodern society then, as called by Baudrillard, lives in ‘sign culture’. This leads to what he terms as ‘simulacrum’.

(‘Simulacrum’ is a copy of an image without original.)

It is now difficult to distinct what is reality and imaginary.
Jean Baudrillard. Image and Represenattion. 2004


argues that 'the media do not reflect and repreent reality but instaed produce it, employing this simulation to justify their own continuing existence'.

link to his blog:


Thursday, 4 November 2010

Representation Theories

' How we are seen determines how we are treated, how we treat others is based on how we see them. How we see them come from represenation' Richard Dyer believes that how something is represented is how we are determined to look at it. the media mould a figure and we we go by what it proclaims.
http://www.slideshare.net/fleckneymike/representation-theory-2458490 -The matter of Images

'This is what everyone- you , me and us- think members of such-and-such a social group are like ' - The role of stereotypes essay.


counter argument:

aregues that through making things, online or offline we make connections with others and increase our engagement with the world. He points to a shift from 'sit down and be told' culture to a more creative 'making and doing' culture.


Participitation culture, creativity, and social change:

counter argument:

She argues that plaesure needs to be destroyed, in particular she is not acceptant of how the unconscious structures our ways of seeing and understanding the world.


Death tweenty four times a second: Stillness and the movign image

(London Reaktions books, 2006)

Counter argument:

Tuesday, 2 November 2010


visit my glog:


Friday, 22 October 2010

Reflection on Media Conference :)

1: Summarise the notes you made for each session
2: Reflect on what you took away from that session
3: Find and post any relevant links (youtube/books etc) that were reffered to in the session.

*What explicit learning points can you connect to your Mest 4 Project?

Professor David Buckingham:

Chewing gum for the brain: Why do people talk such rubbish about Media Studies?
Why Media Studies is worth studying.

He explored how the subject is represented in the media. Its called a Mickey Mouse subject because it doesn't involve hard work; It's to make up for the dumbing down of students. He explains how studying an episode of The Simpsons is just as demanding as Shakespeare. He quotes Barnaby Lenon who says media Studies is a ' 'wothrless' qualification which gives false hope to state pupils.' He believes if we teach young people to criticise media then they'll stop drinking, having sex etc. he also thinks Media studies is participating in media and the facts of real life. He states the subject helps with skills such as presenting, talking etc. He explains how others think it's a 'secret plot' to undermine values, which he found hilarious.

This session encouraged me to have further passion for Media Studies.

Dr Julian McDougall:

Online media, Cleggmania, and the Cowell Factor.How do online media and convergence impact on the ways audiences and producers use and create media?

He gave tips on how to investigate:

  • Read ideas
  • Apply the reading to example
  • weigh up the debate
  • develop an informed, academic view
He said it's best to read someone argument for something and then someones argument against and come up with an argument of your own, that meets in the middle.

Pete Fraser:
Perfecting your production work.
How to get the most out of your practical projects.
  • Really look at real example
  • keep evidence
  • conventions, audience, institution


  • what could go wrong?
  • show the process of your 'journey'
  • keep ideas simple
  • keep records of feedback

  • People, places, props, costumes
  • get it done early
  • share contact details
  • 'hates zoom'


  • Practise on it


  • Always shoot extra for coverage

  • start with the big picture

Pete emphasises certain points:

- its about narrative

-a performance with concept

-For humour to work, play it straight

He asked us to visit this site for examples:


This session helped me greatly in the organisation process for my moving image production and the first step to take.

Professor Annette Hill:

Paranormal Media: audiences, spirits and magic in popular culture
Supernatural media, audiences, and key concepts at A level.

I found her Topic very current but i thought it was too unusual/far-fetched to make notes; However there is a name i noted down whom she suggested we should read a book his written called 'bad science'.

From her session I can use her opinion when discussing my text for my investigation which is Twilight and the fascination that is popular in modern culture.

Monday, 4 October 2010

1. Outline the text and Topic to be investigated?
Media and violence; The new Romeo and Juliet?
Analysing how and why violence is used by the entertainment and information industries Whether or not media violence actually causes real life violence?

2.Ouline the proposed linked production
Documentary which explores the audience's interpretation of media consumption.

3.List atleast 2 media texts that you plan to investigate?
-Music Video: Eminemt ft. Rihanna - Love the way you lie

4.state why the two texts fit the contemporary media landscape ?
These texts fit the contempory media landscape because the media is powerful in influencing our society. Postmodernism theory explains this, the ideology of what is seen on tv appears to be cool still exist, further more i hate vioelence therefore if the outcome is that media has an impact then it shows our world is becoming corrupt by our choice.

5. Discuss the reason this topic area resonates so deeply with you.
The topic doesnt really resonate deeply with me im just intrigued because its a topic area that comes up often in media issues. I hate Violence therefore i would hate to think producers are the influence on evil.

Friday, 1 October 2010

1. What is the Guardian 100 and who are the panellists that create it?
MediaGuardian100 is a annual guide to the most powerful people in the industry; people/institution who run of influence the Uk media; who have not crumbled with changes in political, cultural and economic over the years. Chosen by a group of experts:

Andrew Zein- senior vice president of international television unit of warner bros. He preciously worked at the BBC and has been a leading figure in television trade body, pact.

Christian Payne - He describes himself as a social technologist, freelance media maker, photographer and vlogger. He writes about' anything that strikes me as important in social technology, social media and photography'

Farah Ramzan Golant -chief executive of advertising agency AMV BBDO.

Luke Johnson - founder of Risk Capital Partners, He stepped down as a chairman of channel for in january after working there for six years.
Oona King - is head of diversity at channel 4 and was previously senior poilicy advisor to Gordan Brown on equalities and diversity.

jane Martinson - is the editor of MediaGuardian.

John Plunkett - writes about radio, amongst other things, for MediaGuardian and edits its diary column, Media Monkey. Contributed to MediaGuardian100 before in 2002.

Steve Busfield- is the head of media and technology across the guardian and the observer, he was an editor before.


Veronica Wadley - was editor of the London Evening Standard from 2002 - 2009

2. How many women are in the top 100?

Sixteen > 16! its a small number compared to the 84 male in the top 100. This means the male are more influential in the Uk.

3. What companies do these women work for and in what roles?

12 Jay Hunt> Controler- BBC One (Broadcasting)

16 Rebekah Brooks> Chief Executive -News international..the Sun.. the news of the world.. the times.(Publishing)

18 Elizabeth Murdoch> Chairman and Chief Executive, Shine Group (Broadcasting)

21 Helen Boaden>Director -BBC News (broadcasting)

25 Dame Marjorie Scardino > Chief Executive, Pearson (Publishing, digital media)

34 Tessa RossController > film4 (film, Broadcasting)

36 Dame Gail Rebuck> Cjairman and Chief Executive, Random House (Publishing)

42 Roisin Donnelly> Corporate marketign director and head of marketing fo Procter & Gamble (Advertising)

45 Jana Bennett> Director of Vision- BBC (Broadcasting)

50 Cilla Snowball> Chief Executive, AMV Group; Chairman, AMV BBDO (responsible for saisnburys jamie Oliver ads, Walkers Crisp' Gary Lineker ad and more) - (Advertising)

62 Sly Bailey> Chief Executive, trinity Mirror (Publishing)

63 Janice Hadlow> Controller - BBC2 (Broadcasting)

69 Jane Bruton> Editor - Grazia (Publishing)

80 Angela Jain> Head of E4 (Broadcasting)

82 Martha Jane fox> Digital Champion (Digital Media)

97 Justine Roberts> co founder, chief executive, mumsnet (digital Media)

99 Jane Lynch> Glee star (Television, music)

. It is obvious that women play a big part in the broadcasting and Publishing industry in contrast to the men who have a bigger part in digital media.

4. What percentage of the 100 is women?
16% percent, a suprising small percentage.

5. How would you assess the balance of power in this list and why do you think it is this way?
It is male dominated, meaning they have more influence in the Uk, Perhaps because they are the face that represent the institution, for example Simon Cowel is a represenative of itv1, with millions of people watching the x-factor, although there are female judges, he is the leader.

Wednesday, 7 July 2010

Responsee to The Worlds Strictest Parents! - Atlanta!

This programme is successful in the sense that it creates pleasure . It is the motivation of audiences that is reflected in the uses and gratification theory. The audience response to the programme is shocking as the dominant ideology of children's behaviour is challenged. Its entertaining to have a narrative providing a mentality clash of the teenagers compared to the parents, a trangressive programme. Medium and close up camera shots are used to create suspense, at dramatic moments, such as the argument at the bottom of the stairs the boy and 'father' had. It's communicating the fear with the audience. Crane shot is used to give an wide image of the house, emphasising the domestic issue if it, as the street outside appears peaceful. The parents are from a black heritage therefore, attracting that demographic to watch the show, as they may relate.

Monday, 14 June 2010

end of AS Mediaa, o no :(

It was a really busy year, there was a lot of media terminology to learn and key concepts (make sure u know them all well) plus our coursework and case study but overall i loved it. It is important to have your own ideass, something called - critical autonomy, thats what takes your point to the next level. My first mock really shocked me as we had a website to deconstruct and answer questions on representation, media language etc. i was in the exam thinking there's nothing to say! but then i realised my skill at analysis has to be so good that i can deconstruct anything! There's a purpose all the time so push yourself and always think why? why? why?

With your other a-levels it may feel at times too much to juggle but don't give up because once its done it'll be worth it. :)